I think to myself, just a few more minutes. Ugh I want more sleep!
Then I legit talk to God, ask him to give me strength and determination to roll off the bed, start the shower and get through the work day that's ahead of me. This happens every morning throughout the work week.
The struggle to rise out of the comfortable bed I sleep in is SO real.
One would think I was sick, but I'm not.
I just ENJOY my sleep.
Monday-Friday the routine seems the same.
As does the struggle to wake up.

Then I picture myself singing my way into the shower, strutting into work with a dance move and
talking to people in the morning before a coffee is even consumed.
Ahhhhhhh...Pure Bliss.
Does that type of feeling even exist or happen in peoples lives when they go to a job they truly think is made for them?! I've always wondered that?
Why, because the society we live in, it just seems like everyone has something to complain about or their discontent with things. Like look around. We all sit around and say "Can't wait till Friday"...ugh! I don't want to hear that anymore! haha.

I'd pick their brain for hours and truly listen to each word. See how they got to that place physically and mentally.
We all work hard at what we do, but I feel so many of us are so conservative and narrow minded, we burn out our own dreams, hopes and desires.
Perhaps we simply just stay in a comfy area and never leave.
Pathetic. Re-reading that back to myself.
Today I took an aptitude test to see where I should be in life.

Imagine that though?
The skies the limit. If we limit ourselves to our comfort zones, we will NEVER move ahead in life. That's when miserableness and wondering this world unhappy will take over!
Not for me! Sorry!
Time to expand my horizons, stretch my limits and think outside the box (as I usually do)....but this time for myself, my goals and targets
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