Every morning when I rise and am about to stretch, he props up, tail starts wagging a mile a minute and he approaches me in mid-stretch also and comes to give me kisses.
The other day when he did this, i thought to myself...
"Imagine if we woke up daily in that much excitement to start our day?"
Whether it be to go to work, feed your kids, hit the gym, make breakfast....Think how that would change our whole prespective on life??
Think of how happier (mentally) we maybe and inspire others if we change our thought process before "the natural menality of man" hits us and makes us jump start the day WRONG!
Positive thinking and/or comments changes perspectives and morale in people and the places they maybe in.
Mankind has killed our thoughts by even BRINGING into existance negative words, phrases and attitudes.

So I challenge you today readers, take your OLD life....and start FRESH to a new day, a new perspective and a whole NEW challenging world your eyes will be OPEN to seeing...
Hey Ania, I love your blog, Im definitely gonna check it out. Luv the aspiring words to make people turn the pages of the old and transition to the new!