Funny how the true meaning of Christmas has literally faded for most.
We spend so much time in the hustle and bustle that we forget what Christmas is all about.
How about I give all of us, including myself, a little reminder and put that little spiritual sparkle back into hearts.
It's not about a big white bearded man in a red suit handing out presents or lying to the children telling them if they are naughty they won't get any presents under the decorated tree.
Christmas is about GIVING....
Sooo wait .... technically this Santa Claus has some of the concept right. Haha.
So when I say GIVING, lets take a closer look at what I mean and where it all began...

The FATHER gave us his SON.
The Father being GOD...
The Son being Jesus...
The SON gave us his LIFE
Jesus gave his life on the cross for our sinful ways...
Without GIVING there is no true Christmas.

When you give without expectation it just gives you a little blissful feeling. I challenge you to try it.
This Christmas Season, give something to someone you don't know, but when you are giving, give with a joy in your heart.
Forget the hustle and bustle all around you.
Think of how awesome it will be to be able to give something to someone and make them happy.
The gift of giving can be done in so many ways, so don't just automatically think spending tones of money is key.
Here's a few ideas...Try one....I dare ya to.
Compliment a
stranger sincerely
Write a thank you
note to someone
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Look for something
around you that can be fixed up, picked up, or attended ie, put shopping
carts up, pick up some trash laying around, pick up something that has fallen
Give a lottery
ticket to a stranger
Send handmade cards
or a letter to someone you care for
When you go
somewhere to get or do something, ask someone around you if you can pick up,
drop off or do something for them while you do
Leave something
cheery or nice for all your co-workers (in spring bag of seeds, fun post its,
fun office supplies
Put something you no
longer need on Kijiji and list it as free in your area
Leave something for
someone at an area where it most might be used, (lighter near smoking area,
book in reading area, umbrella near door on rainy day)
Drop off a toy or
game at a hospital
Drop off a toy or
game at a homeless shelter.
Send a picture you
have taken which includes a friend and send it to them with a note
remembering when it was taken
Buy a phone card and
give to a homeless shelter for them to give to someone.
Open the phone book,
pick a name, and send them something (movie tickets, thank you card, you are
appreciated card, book, etc.) anonymously.
Take flowers to a
hospital ward and give them to someone who hasn't had any visitors.
Take some cake,
chocolates, flowers etc. to the neighbors, or a senior citizen nearby
Send someone a small
gift anonymously
Invite someone who
is alone over for dinner.
Share a comic strip
or something funny with someone else.
Leave a chocolate
for a co-worker.
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write a note, send a
e-greeting "just to say hello" to someone who might need a pick me
Send a thank you to
the employees at a hospital, or anywhere else that a cheerful thank might add
a smile
Put a quarter in a
parking meter that has expired
Write a thank-you
note to a person from your past who has made a difference in your life.
Send someone an
animated greeting card on the internet.
Copy a favorite recipe and give it to someone
Send a card to a
friend or relative you haven't seen for some time. Include a photo of
yourself and/or your family.
Send an anonymous
scratch card, lottery or theater ticket to someone you know - or a gift
voucher, a funny card, a chocolate bar, or whatever you feel they would enjoy
If you know someone
who is having a hard time financially, pop a $5, $10 or $20 note in an
envelope, disguise your writing or type the envelope, and post it to them.
Offer to baby sit
Donate clothes to
someone in need
Tape some change to
a payphone with a card saying it is for whoever needs it